French Americans

French Americans (French: Américain français), also called Franco-Americans (French: Franco-Américain) comprise Americans who identify themselves to have full or partial French or French Canadian heritage. About 10.4 million U.S. residents are of French or French Canadian descent, and about 2 million speak French at home. An additional 750,000 U.S. residents speak a French-based creole language, according to the 2011 census.

French Americans

French Americans (French: Américain français), also called Franco-Americans (French: Franco-Américain) comprise Americans who identify themselves to have full or partial French or French Canadian heritage. About 10.4 million U.S. residents are of French or French Canadian descent, and about 2 million speak French at home. An additional 750,000 U.S. residents speak a French-based creole language, according to the 2011 census.