French Colonial Union

The French Colonial Union (French: Union coloniale française) was an influential group of French merchants established for the purpose of ensuring continued French colonialism, as well as solidifying their own commercial interests. It was founded in 1893 and published The Colonial Fortnightly (La Quinzaine coloniale). The French Colonial Union served as a pivotal colonial organization that greatly aided in commercial and foreign French affairs. Though from its initial establishment, the French Colonial Union was never major, its members set out with a mindset of expressing its ideas, being vocal, and then placing those ideas into reality. The foundations of the French Colonial Union displayed an organization that was focused on change and advancement. The success of the French Colonial Uni

French Colonial Union

The French Colonial Union (French: Union coloniale française) was an influential group of French merchants established for the purpose of ensuring continued French colonialism, as well as solidifying their own commercial interests. It was founded in 1893 and published The Colonial Fortnightly (La Quinzaine coloniale). The French Colonial Union served as a pivotal colonial organization that greatly aided in commercial and foreign French affairs. Though from its initial establishment, the French Colonial Union was never major, its members set out with a mindset of expressing its ideas, being vocal, and then placing those ideas into reality. The foundations of the French Colonial Union displayed an organization that was focused on change and advancement. The success of the French Colonial Uni