
"Frexit" is a common name for a hypothetical French withdrawal from the European Union. The name is based on "Brexit", the common name for the British vote to leave the union. A poll by the Pew Research Center in June 2016, before the British referendum, found France to have a 61% unfavourable view of the EU, second only to Greece's 71%, with the UK on 48%. American billionaire investor George Soros, who opposed Britain's exit, predicts France and the Netherlands as the next countries to leave the EU.


"Frexit" is a common name for a hypothetical French withdrawal from the European Union. The name is based on "Brexit", the common name for the British vote to leave the union. A poll by the Pew Research Center in June 2016, before the British referendum, found France to have a 61% unfavourable view of the EU, second only to Greece's 71%, with the UK on 48%. American billionaire investor George Soros, who opposed Britain's exit, predicts France and the Netherlands as the next countries to leave the EU.