Friendly-index set

In graph theory, a friendly-index set is a finite set of integers associated with a given undirected graph and generated by a type of graph labeling called a friendly labeling. A friendly labeling of an n-vertex undirected graph {{{1}}} is defined to be an assignment of the values 0 and 1 to the vertices of G with the property that the number of vertices labeled 0 is as close as possible to the number of vertices labeled 1: they should either be equal (for graphs with an even number of vertices) or differ by one (for graphs with an odd number of vertices).

Friendly-index set

In graph theory, a friendly-index set is a finite set of integers associated with a given undirected graph and generated by a type of graph labeling called a friendly labeling. A friendly labeling of an n-vertex undirected graph {{{1}}} is defined to be an assignment of the values 0 and 1 to the vertices of G with the property that the number of vertices labeled 0 is as close as possible to the number of vertices labeled 1: they should either be equal (for graphs with an even number of vertices) or differ by one (for graphs with an odd number of vertices).