Future Offensive Air System

The Future Offensive Air System was a study which sought to replace the Royal Air Force's strike capability currently provided by the Tornado GR4. Initial operation capability was expected around 2017. The FOAS was cancelled in June 2005 and was replaced by the Deep and Persistent Offensive Capability (DPOC) requirement, which was itself cancelled in the 2010 SDSR. In 2012 France signed an MoU to join the RAF's latest programme for an unmanned Future Combat Air System (FCAS), which will likely be based on BAE's Taranis demonstrator and on the Dassault nEURON demonstrator.

Future Offensive Air System

The Future Offensive Air System was a study which sought to replace the Royal Air Force's strike capability currently provided by the Tornado GR4. Initial operation capability was expected around 2017. The FOAS was cancelled in June 2005 and was replaced by the Deep and Persistent Offensive Capability (DPOC) requirement, which was itself cancelled in the 2010 SDSR. In 2012 France signed an MoU to join the RAF's latest programme for an unmanned Future Combat Air System (FCAS), which will likely be based on BAE's Taranis demonstrator and on the Dassault nEURON demonstrator.