Fyndoune Community College

Fyndoune Community College is a coeducational secondary school located in Sacriston, County Durham, England. Previous names have included Sacriston Secondary Modern School and Fyndoune Comprehensive School. Fyndoune Community College is a community school under the control of Durham County Council. It also has specialist status as a Humanities College and has additional facilities for the specialism, including a school farm. Fyndoune Community College offers GCSEs, BTECs and OCR Nationals as programmes of study for pupils.

Fyndoune Community College

Fyndoune Community College is a coeducational secondary school located in Sacriston, County Durham, England. Previous names have included Sacriston Secondary Modern School and Fyndoune Comprehensive School. Fyndoune Community College is a community school under the control of Durham County Council. It also has specialist status as a Humanities College and has additional facilities for the specialism, including a school farm. Fyndoune Community College offers GCSEs, BTECs and OCR Nationals as programmes of study for pupils.