Gäle Virgin Forest Nature Reserve

Gäle Virgin Forest Nature Reserve (Swedish: Gäle naturskogs naturreservat) is a nature reserve in Jämtland County in Sweden. The nature reserve protects an area of surviving old-growth forest dominated by spruce in a landscape otherwise heavily forested. Trees up to 300 years old grow in the reserve. The unspoilt forest with its coarse woody debris provides a habitat for several red listed or unusual species such as Schismatomma pericleum, Chaenothecopsis viridialba, Haploporus odorus and Anomoporia bombycina.

Gäle Virgin Forest Nature Reserve

Gäle Virgin Forest Nature Reserve (Swedish: Gäle naturskogs naturreservat) is a nature reserve in Jämtland County in Sweden. The nature reserve protects an area of surviving old-growth forest dominated by spruce in a landscape otherwise heavily forested. Trees up to 300 years old grow in the reserve. The unspoilt forest with its coarse woody debris provides a habitat for several red listed or unusual species such as Schismatomma pericleum, Chaenothecopsis viridialba, Haploporus odorus and Anomoporia bombycina.