Gabriel Esperanssa

Gabriel Esperanssa, also spelled Esperanza or Esperança, was a 17th-century rabbi at Safed. He was originally from Salonika, where he was a disciple of Daniel Estrumsa. He apparently assumed the name of a woman called Esperanssa (Spanish for "hope"), who adopted and educated him as an orphan. He left several works, but only the collectanea to the Pentateuch have been published. A few of his responsa have survived in citations.

Gabriel Esperanssa

Gabriel Esperanssa, also spelled Esperanza or Esperança, was a 17th-century rabbi at Safed. He was originally from Salonika, where he was a disciple of Daniel Estrumsa. He apparently assumed the name of a woman called Esperanssa (Spanish for "hope"), who adopted and educated him as an orphan. He left several works, but only the collectanea to the Pentateuch have been published. A few of his responsa have survived in citations.