Gabriel ibn al-Qilai

Gabriel ibn al-Qilai (in exact Arabic transcription: Jibrāyīl ibn al-Qilā'i, in Latin: Gabriel Benclaius or Barclaius, born in 1447 in Lehfed, in the Jbeil District, died in 1516 in Cyprus) was a Lebanese Christian religious, belonging to the Maronite Church. Al-Qilai entered in the Franciscan Order to 1470 and was consecrated bishop of Maronites in Cyprus in 1507.

Gabriel ibn al-Qilai

Gabriel ibn al-Qilai (in exact Arabic transcription: Jibrāyīl ibn al-Qilā'i, in Latin: Gabriel Benclaius or Barclaius, born in 1447 in Lehfed, in the Jbeil District, died in 1516 in Cyprus) was a Lebanese Christian religious, belonging to the Maronite Church. Al-Qilai entered in the Franciscan Order to 1470 and was consecrated bishop of Maronites in Cyprus in 1507.