
Gaitelgrima is a Lombard feminine name. There are several notable Gaitelgrimas in history. The identities of these five women (as well as some others of the same name) are often confused because they were all closely related to each other and to two men: Guaimar III of Salerno and his son, Guaimar IV, whose enumeration is often altered making Guaimar III, Guaimar IV; they were the princes of Salerno from about 983 to 1027 and from 1027 to 1052. The first was Gaitelgrima of Capua, daughter of Atenulf I of Capua, married Guaimar II of Salerno and was the mother of Gisulf I of Salerno.


Gaitelgrima is a Lombard feminine name. There are several notable Gaitelgrimas in history. The identities of these five women (as well as some others of the same name) are often confused because they were all closely related to each other and to two men: Guaimar III of Salerno and his son, Guaimar IV, whose enumeration is often altered making Guaimar III, Guaimar IV; they were the princes of Salerno from about 983 to 1027 and from 1027 to 1052. The first was Gaitelgrima of Capua, daughter of Atenulf I of Capua, married Guaimar II of Salerno and was the mother of Gisulf I of Salerno.