Galaga: Destination Earth

Galaga: Destination Earth is a 2000 3D video game, an update to the popular Golden Age arcade game Galaga. It was developed by King of the Jungle Ltd. and published by Hasbro Interactive. It was released for Microsoft Windows, Sony PlayStation and Game Boy Color. If a tractor beam ship is destroyed, there is a chance that a cube will come out. If the player catches this cube, they will get a temporary tractor beam that can capture an enemy ship. Captured enemy ships will then act as wing-men for your fighter until destroyed by enemy fire, just as they do in Gaplus.

Galaga: Destination Earth

Galaga: Destination Earth is a 2000 3D video game, an update to the popular Golden Age arcade game Galaga. It was developed by King of the Jungle Ltd. and published by Hasbro Interactive. It was released for Microsoft Windows, Sony PlayStation and Game Boy Color. If a tractor beam ship is destroyed, there is a chance that a cube will come out. If the player catches this cube, they will get a temporary tractor beam that can capture an enemy ship. Captured enemy ships will then act as wing-men for your fighter until destroyed by enemy fire, just as they do in Gaplus.