Gay Mafia

The "Gay Mafia", "Velvet Mafia", gay lobby, etc. are pejorative terms for the alleged disproportional behind-the-scene influence of gay rights groups and LGBT community in politics, media, culture, and everyday life. An early use of the term was when the English critic Kenneth Tynan proposed an article to Playboy editor A.C. Spectorsky in late 1967 on the "Homosexual Mafia" in the arts. Spectorsky declined, although he admitted that "culture hounds were paying homage to faggotismo as they have never done before". Playboy would run a panel on gay issues in April 1971.

Gay Mafia

The "Gay Mafia", "Velvet Mafia", gay lobby, etc. are pejorative terms for the alleged disproportional behind-the-scene influence of gay rights groups and LGBT community in politics, media, culture, and everyday life. An early use of the term was when the English critic Kenneth Tynan proposed an article to Playboy editor A.C. Spectorsky in late 1967 on the "Homosexual Mafia" in the arts. Spectorsky declined, although he admitted that "culture hounds were paying homage to faggotismo as they have never done before". Playboy would run a panel on gay issues in April 1971.