
Genemuiden is a city located in the north western part of the Province of Overijssel. It received city rights in 1275 which is also the first time Genemuiden gets mentioned in history. It stayed independent up until 2001 when, despite fierce opposition of its inhabitants, it was forced to merge with the smaller, neighbouring villages of Zwartsluis and Hasselt to form the municipality of Zwartewaterland. Genemuiden is a Protestant stronghold, having 5 reformed Protestant denominations and no Roman Catholic church. It's on the north-eastern tip of the so-called Dutch Bible Belt.


Genemuiden is a city located in the north western part of the Province of Overijssel. It received city rights in 1275 which is also the first time Genemuiden gets mentioned in history. It stayed independent up until 2001 when, despite fierce opposition of its inhabitants, it was forced to merge with the smaller, neighbouring villages of Zwartsluis and Hasselt to form the municipality of Zwartewaterland. Genemuiden is a Protestant stronghold, having 5 reformed Protestant denominations and no Roman Catholic church. It's on the north-eastern tip of the so-called Dutch Bible Belt.