Get Out (board game)

Get Out is one of the earliest board games published by Cheapass Games. Players are trying to move out of their parents' basements. They roll dice and move around the board, trying to collect jobs and apartments. The board for Get Out is similar in concept to the board used for Monopoly, though there are three rings on the board. The first ring is primarily filled with spaces indicating jobs, the second ring indicating places for housing, and the innermost ring indicating high-life temptations. The song "Get Out" is featured on The Cheapass Album by Beatnik Turtle.

Get Out (board game)

Get Out is one of the earliest board games published by Cheapass Games. Players are trying to move out of their parents' basements. They roll dice and move around the board, trying to collect jobs and apartments. The board for Get Out is similar in concept to the board used for Monopoly, though there are three rings on the board. The first ring is primarily filled with spaces indicating jobs, the second ring indicating places for housing, and the innermost ring indicating high-life temptations. The song "Get Out" is featured on The Cheapass Album by Beatnik Turtle.