Getachew Jigi Demeksa

Dr. Getachew Jigi Demekssa (born 4 December 1967) is a scholar studying conflict resolution in the Horn of Africa, political science and international relations. He is a founding member, executive committee member and head of Political and Organizational department of Oromo federalist movement (OFDM), member of the Ethiopian federal parliament, chair of the Oromo Parliamentarians Council, lecturer and researcher in Ethiopia and universities abroad.

Getachew Jigi Demeksa

Dr. Getachew Jigi Demekssa (born 4 December 1967) is a scholar studying conflict resolution in the Horn of Africa, political science and international relations. He is a founding member, executive committee member and head of Political and Organizational department of Oromo federalist movement (OFDM), member of the Ethiopian federal parliament, chair of the Oromo Parliamentarians Council, lecturer and researcher in Ethiopia and universities abroad.