Girl Germs

Girl Germs was a zine created by University of Oregon students Allison Wolfe and Molly Neuman, both members of the band Bratmobile. Feminism was influential in the Pacific Northwest in the early nineties: Girl Germs heralded an explosion of zines that accompanied the rebirth of feminism. These zines included Ms America,Satan Wears A Bra, Fantastic Fanzine, I (heart) Amy Carter and others. Girl Germs identified feminist role models in its early issues and was one of the few Riot grrrl zines created by young white women to feature African American rappers.

Girl Germs

Girl Germs was a zine created by University of Oregon students Allison Wolfe and Molly Neuman, both members of the band Bratmobile. Feminism was influential in the Pacific Northwest in the early nineties: Girl Germs heralded an explosion of zines that accompanied the rebirth of feminism. These zines included Ms America,Satan Wears A Bra, Fantastic Fanzine, I (heart) Amy Carter and others. Girl Germs identified feminist role models in its early issues and was one of the few Riot grrrl zines created by young white women to feature African American rappers.