
GoDaddy is a publicly traded Internet domain registrar and web hosting company. As of January 2016, GoDaddy was said to have had more than 61 million domain names under management, making it the world's largest ICANN-accredited registrar. It serves more than 13 million customers and employs more than 4,000 people. The company is known for its celebrity spokespeople, Super Bowl ads and as being an online provider for small businesses. In addition to a postseason college football bowl game, it previously sponsored NASCAR. It has been involved in several controversies related to security and privacy.


GoDaddy is a publicly traded Internet domain registrar and web hosting company. As of January 2016, GoDaddy was said to have had more than 61 million domain names under management, making it the world's largest ICANN-accredited registrar. It serves more than 13 million customers and employs more than 4,000 people. The company is known for its celebrity spokespeople, Super Bowl ads and as being an online provider for small businesses. In addition to a postseason college football bowl game, it previously sponsored NASCAR. It has been involved in several controversies related to security and privacy.