Gordon Chen

Gordon Chen (1821-1907) is a character in the James Clavell Asian Saga novels Tai-Pan and Gai-Jin. He is the illegitimate Chinese/Scottish son of Dirk Struan, founder of Struan's Trading Company, called the "Noble House". At the time of the novel Tai-Pan, he is about twenty. As part of his efforts to protect his father, he arranged for the assassination of Gorth Brock and tried to acquire a cure for May–May's malaria.

Gordon Chen

Gordon Chen (1821-1907) is a character in the James Clavell Asian Saga novels Tai-Pan and Gai-Jin. He is the illegitimate Chinese/Scottish son of Dirk Struan, founder of Struan's Trading Company, called the "Noble House". At the time of the novel Tai-Pan, he is about twenty. As part of his efforts to protect his father, he arranged for the assassination of Gorth Brock and tried to acquire a cure for May–May's malaria.