
Greasestock is an American event held yearly in Yorktown Heights, New York. It is one of the largest alternative fuel, renewable energy, and low-energy green vehicle exhibitions in the United States. Exhibitors showcase a variety of alternative energy vehicles, as well as exhibits with a sustainable lifestyle theme. Although it is illegal in New York to power a vehicle with waste vegetable oil (the Federal Clean Air Act of 1990 forbids the use of non-compliant biodiesels such as raw vegetable oil; this is illegal nationwide, not just in New York), authorities in New York have stated they have no problem with the festival and have even participated in it.


Greasestock is an American event held yearly in Yorktown Heights, New York. It is one of the largest alternative fuel, renewable energy, and low-energy green vehicle exhibitions in the United States. Exhibitors showcase a variety of alternative energy vehicles, as well as exhibits with a sustainable lifestyle theme. Although it is illegal in New York to power a vehicle with waste vegetable oil (the Federal Clean Air Act of 1990 forbids the use of non-compliant biodiesels such as raw vegetable oil; this is illegal nationwide, not just in New York), authorities in New York have stated they have no problem with the festival and have even participated in it.