Great Hearts Academies

Great Hearts Academies is a non-profit charter school management organization that operates a network of academically rigorous, classical, liberal arts primary, middle, and high schools in the Phoenix, Arizona Metropolitan area and in San Antonio, Texas. This network will prepare its graduates for success in the most highly selective colleges and universities in the nation and will prepare them to become leaders in creating a more philosophical, humane, and just society. Great Hearts’ public academies surpass the best public and private school options in academic outcomes, student moral formation, and comprehensive extra-curricular participation.

Great Hearts Academies

Great Hearts Academies is a non-profit charter school management organization that operates a network of academically rigorous, classical, liberal arts primary, middle, and high schools in the Phoenix, Arizona Metropolitan area and in San Antonio, Texas. This network will prepare its graduates for success in the most highly selective colleges and universities in the nation and will prepare them to become leaders in creating a more philosophical, humane, and just society. Great Hearts’ public academies surpass the best public and private school options in academic outcomes, student moral formation, and comprehensive extra-curricular participation.