Green Bicycle Case

The Green Bicycle Case was a murder investigation and trial over the shooting of a young woman named Bella Wright in Little Stretton, near Leicester, England on 5 July 1919. Wright was killed by a bullet wound to the head. Earlier that evening she had been seen with a man on a green bicycle. Ronald Vivian Light was tried for her murder but acquitted. Author C. Wendy East, in a book entitled The Green Bicycle Murder (1993), concluded that Light did, indeed, murder Bella Wright. In a 1930 book, The Green Bicycle Case, H.R. Wakefield came to the opposite conclusion.

Green Bicycle Case

The Green Bicycle Case was a murder investigation and trial over the shooting of a young woman named Bella Wright in Little Stretton, near Leicester, England on 5 July 1919. Wright was killed by a bullet wound to the head. Earlier that evening she had been seen with a man on a green bicycle. Ronald Vivian Light was tried for her murder but acquitted. Author C. Wendy East, in a book entitled The Green Bicycle Murder (1993), concluded that Light did, indeed, murder Bella Wright. In a 1930 book, The Green Bicycle Case, H.R. Wakefield came to the opposite conclusion.