Guitars in the Classroom

Guitars in the Classroom (GITC)(`get-see`) is a non-profit organization which seeks to train and equip classroom teachers in order to integrate singing and playing guitar into the daily school experience of schoolchildren. Founded in 1998, GITC produces programs over 30 states and several foreign countries. To date, the organization has positively impacted the lives of more than 100,000 students. The company's headquarters is located in San Diego, California.

Guitars in the Classroom

Guitars in the Classroom (GITC)(`get-see`) is a non-profit organization which seeks to train and equip classroom teachers in order to integrate singing and playing guitar into the daily school experience of schoolchildren. Founded in 1998, GITC produces programs over 30 states and several foreign countries. To date, the organization has positively impacted the lives of more than 100,000 students. The company's headquarters is located in San Diego, California.