Højby Church (Odsherred)

The church is recognized for its fine wall paintings or kalkmalerier which are considered to be among the best in the country from the late Gothic period. They were probably created at the beginning of the 15th century, shortly after the cross vaults were added. They were discovered in 1901 and have been restored on several occasions. During the last restoration in 2007, the painting of Erasmus' martyrdom was revealed for the first time. There is also a painting of St George and the dragon including the Syrian princess he saved from the dragon.

Højby Church (Odsherred)

The church is recognized for its fine wall paintings or kalkmalerier which are considered to be among the best in the country from the late Gothic period. They were probably created at the beginning of the 15th century, shortly after the cross vaults were added. They were discovered in 1901 and have been restored on several occasions. During the last restoration in 2007, the painting of Erasmus' martyrdom was revealed for the first time. There is also a painting of St George and the dragon including the Syrian princess he saved from the dragon.