HMS Charlotte (1798)

HMS Charlotte was a mercantile schooner that Royal Navy hired or chartered in 1796 (or earlier), purchased in 1797 and commissioned in 1798. In her brief military career in the Caribbean she captured two small enemy privateers before she herself fell prey to a French privateer. The British recaptured her a little more than a year later but then broke her up in 1799 rather than recommissioning her.

HMS Charlotte (1798)

HMS Charlotte was a mercantile schooner that Royal Navy hired or chartered in 1796 (or earlier), purchased in 1797 and commissioned in 1798. In her brief military career in the Caribbean she captured two small enemy privateers before she herself fell prey to a French privateer. The British recaptured her a little more than a year later but then broke her up in 1799 rather than recommissioning her.