HMS Friday

HMS Friday is an urban myth concerning a disastrous attempt by the Royal Navy to dispel the superstition against sailing on a Friday. While widely circulated, the story is in fact untrue; moreover, there was never even a ship named HMS Friday. The details of the story vary, but it usually follows this form: This story, in numerous variations, is frequently recounted, often as fact. It also appeared as a small "filler" item in the magazine "Reader's Digest", its format giving the impression of having been historically researched.

HMS Friday

HMS Friday is an urban myth concerning a disastrous attempt by the Royal Navy to dispel the superstition against sailing on a Friday. While widely circulated, the story is in fact untrue; moreover, there was never even a ship named HMS Friday. The details of the story vary, but it usually follows this form: This story, in numerous variations, is frequently recounted, often as fact. It also appeared as a small "filler" item in the magazine "Reader's Digest", its format giving the impression of having been historically researched.