HaSharon Park

The park also consists of a remnant of the swamps which used to cover the whole region, prevented the cultivation of the land, and caused malaria disease. These swamps were dried out. The park also consists of many Eucalyptus trees which were planted there in the early twentieth century in order to dry out the swamps. The park also has a beach which consists of Eolianite hills. Part of it is suitable for bathing, and in other parts marine animals could be spotted. The sand of the park consists of typical desert plants. The park is bordered by Alexander stream national park.

HaSharon Park

The park also consists of a remnant of the swamps which used to cover the whole region, prevented the cultivation of the land, and caused malaria disease. These swamps were dried out. The park also consists of many Eucalyptus trees which were planted there in the early twentieth century in order to dry out the swamps. The park also has a beach which consists of Eolianite hills. Part of it is suitable for bathing, and in other parts marine animals could be spotted. The sand of the park consists of typical desert plants. The park is bordered by Alexander stream national park.