Hadassah Medical Center

Hadassah Medical Center (Hebrew: מרכז רפואי הדסה‎‎) is a medical organization established in 1934 that operates two university hospitals at Ein Kerem and Mount Scopus in Jerusalem, Israel, as well as schools of medicine, dentistry, nursing, and pharmacology affiliated with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Its declared mission is to extend a “hand to all, without regard for race, religion or ethnic origin."

Hadassah Medical Center

Hadassah Medical Center (Hebrew: מרכז רפואי הדסה‎‎) is a medical organization established in 1934 that operates two university hospitals at Ein Kerem and Mount Scopus in Jerusalem, Israel, as well as schools of medicine, dentistry, nursing, and pharmacology affiliated with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Its declared mission is to extend a “hand to all, without regard for race, religion or ethnic origin."