
A hamd (Arabic: حمد‎‎), "Praise" in English, is a word that is usually written in Arabic, Persian, Punjabi, or Urdu and means a poetic piece in praise of God. The word "Hamd" comes from the Qur'an. Hamds are recited all over the Muslim world, from Indonesia to Morocco. A Qawwali performance usually includes at least one Hamd, which is traditionally the first song in the performance.


A hamd (Arabic: حمد‎‎), "Praise" in English, is a word that is usually written in Arabic, Persian, Punjabi, or Urdu and means a poetic piece in praise of God. The word "Hamd" comes from the Qur'an. Hamds are recited all over the Muslim world, from Indonesia to Morocco. A Qawwali performance usually includes at least one Hamd, which is traditionally the first song in the performance.