Harry S. Truman Little White House

The Harry S. Truman Little White House in Key West, Florida was the winter White House for President Harry S Truman for 175 days during 11 visits. The house is located in the Truman Annex neighborhood of Old Town, Key West. The house was originally waterfront when it was built in 1890 as the first officer's quarters on the submarine base naval station. The wooden duplex contained Quarters A for the base commandant and Quarters B for the paymaster. After Truman left office he returned to Key West several times and stayed at various other places.

Harry S. Truman Little White House

The Harry S. Truman Little White House in Key West, Florida was the winter White House for President Harry S Truman for 175 days during 11 visits. The house is located in the Truman Annex neighborhood of Old Town, Key West. The house was originally waterfront when it was built in 1890 as the first officer's quarters on the submarine base naval station. The wooden duplex contained Quarters A for the base commandant and Quarters B for the paymaster. After Truman left office he returned to Key West several times and stayed at various other places.