
Hausmalerei (German: home painting) is a tradition originating with the freelance enamelers on glass in Bohemia but developed in Germany on white tin-glazed earthenware in the 17th century, in which glazed and fired but unpainted wares "in the white" were purchased on speculation by unsupervised freelance ateliers of china painters, who decorated them in overglaze enamel colours and gilding, which were fixed by further firing in their own kilns. A few such freelance decorators of faience operated in Nuremberg in the late 17th century, but hausmalerei developed in Augsburg into a notable feature of tin-glazed earthenware production during the early 18th century, before the workshops turned entirely to porcelain. Hausmalerei reached am artistic pinnacle with paintings on Meissen porcelain an


Hausmalerei (German: home painting) is a tradition originating with the freelance enamelers on glass in Bohemia but developed in Germany on white tin-glazed earthenware in the 17th century, in which glazed and fired but unpainted wares "in the white" were purchased on speculation by unsupervised freelance ateliers of china painters, who decorated them in overglaze enamel colours and gilding, which were fixed by further firing in their own kilns. A few such freelance decorators of faience operated in Nuremberg in the late 17th century, but hausmalerei developed in Augsburg into a notable feature of tin-glazed earthenware production during the early 18th century, before the workshops turned entirely to porcelain. Hausmalerei reached am artistic pinnacle with paintings on Meissen porcelain an