Hebrew incunabula

The Hebrew incunabula are a group of Jewish religious texts printed in Hebrew in the 15th century. Only about 100 incunabula are determined to have been definitively printed before 1500. There are eight of which either no copy is known, or the time and place of publication can not be definitely determined. Currently, more than 100 incunabula have been discovered since an article was first written about the topic in the Jewish Encyclopedia in 1901.

Hebrew incunabula

The Hebrew incunabula are a group of Jewish religious texts printed in Hebrew in the 15th century. Only about 100 incunabula are determined to have been definitively printed before 1500. There are eight of which either no copy is known, or the time and place of publication can not be definitely determined. Currently, more than 100 incunabula have been discovered since an article was first written about the topic in the Jewish Encyclopedia in 1901.