Hieromonk Mardarije

Hieromonk Mardarije (fl. 1552–66) was a Serbian Orthodox hieromonk and one of the most important early Serb printers. Mardarije was the first Belgrade printer and last great printer of srbulje books. Mardarije first printed books at the Belgrade printing house in 1552. When its owner gave up the printing business, he moved the printing press to Mrkšina crkva monastery in Kosjerić where he established the Mrkšina crkva printing house.

Hieromonk Mardarije

Hieromonk Mardarije (fl. 1552–66) was a Serbian Orthodox hieromonk and one of the most important early Serb printers. Mardarije was the first Belgrade printer and last great printer of srbulje books. Mardarije first printed books at the Belgrade printing house in 1552. When its owner gave up the printing business, he moved the printing press to Mrkšina crkva monastery in Kosjerić where he established the Mrkšina crkva printing house.