Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters

Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters is a memoir written by Chesley Sullenberger and Jeffrey Zaslow (1958–2012) describing the events of US Airways Flight 1549. The New York Times bestselling autobiography of Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger—the pilot who landed a crippled airplane in New York's Hudson River, saving the lives of the flight's 155 passengers—discusses leadership, responsibility, and service along with his life story. Clint Eastwood directed a 2016 film adaptation that received positive reviews from critics.

Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters

Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters is a memoir written by Chesley Sullenberger and Jeffrey Zaslow (1958–2012) describing the events of US Airways Flight 1549. The New York Times bestselling autobiography of Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger—the pilot who landed a crippled airplane in New York's Hudson River, saving the lives of the flight's 155 passengers—discusses leadership, responsibility, and service along with his life story. Clint Eastwood directed a 2016 film adaptation that received positive reviews from critics.