Hillingdon Borough F.C.

For the administrative area see London Borough of Hillingdon. Hillingdon Borough Football Club are a semi-professional football club based in Ruislip, in the London Borough of Hillingdon. The club is affiliated to the Middlesex County Football Association. It was also the name of a now-extinct club that existed between 1965 and 1987. They currently play in the Spartan South Midlands League Division One.

Hillingdon Borough F.C.

For the administrative area see London Borough of Hillingdon. Hillingdon Borough Football Club are a semi-professional football club based in Ruislip, in the London Borough of Hillingdon. The club is affiliated to the Middlesex County Football Association. It was also the name of a now-extinct club that existed between 1965 and 1987. They currently play in the Spartan South Midlands League Division One.