History of football in Tibet and the diaspora

The history of Tibetan association football started when Tibetans for the first time watched British and Indian playing football at the British trade agency at Gyantse at the beginning of the 20th century. More football was played in Tibet since the British built a military training facility in Lhasa in 1913 and it got another impulse when a modern police force was introduced in the country in the 1920s. Throughout the 20th century football was being played in Tibet, also after the incorporation of Tibet into the People's Republic of China from the 1950s on.

History of football in Tibet and the diaspora

The history of Tibetan association football started when Tibetans for the first time watched British and Indian playing football at the British trade agency at Gyantse at the beginning of the 20th century. More football was played in Tibet since the British built a military training facility in Lhasa in 1913 and it got another impulse when a modern police force was introduced in the country in the 1920s. Throughout the 20th century football was being played in Tibet, also after the incorporation of Tibet into the People's Republic of China from the 1950s on.