Hoćemo gusle

Hoćemo gusle (trans. We Want Gusle) is the second studio album released in 1989 by Montenegrin-Serbian musician Rambo Amadeus. The track "Amerika i Engleska (biće zemlja proleterska)" was originally supposed to be named "Kataklizma komunizma" (Cataclysm of Communism) but powers that be wouldn't allow it. The album title pokes fun at an event from the 1989 so-called anti-bureaucratic revolution protests in Montenegro that swept Milo Đukanović, Momir Bulatović, and Svetozar Marović into power. Protesters were heard chanting "Hoćemo Ruse" ("We want the Russians"), but when the authorities and state-controlled media criticized them for it, many quickly began backpedaling by claiming they actually chanted "Hoćemo gusle" ("We want the gusle").

Hoćemo gusle

Hoćemo gusle (trans. We Want Gusle) is the second studio album released in 1989 by Montenegrin-Serbian musician Rambo Amadeus. The track "Amerika i Engleska (biće zemlja proleterska)" was originally supposed to be named "Kataklizma komunizma" (Cataclysm of Communism) but powers that be wouldn't allow it. The album title pokes fun at an event from the 1989 so-called anti-bureaucratic revolution protests in Montenegro that swept Milo Đukanović, Momir Bulatović, and Svetozar Marović into power. Protesters were heard chanting "Hoćemo Ruse" ("We want the Russians"), but when the authorities and state-controlled media criticized them for it, many quickly began backpedaling by claiming they actually chanted "Hoćemo gusle" ("We want the gusle").