Hokky Situngkir

Hokky Situngkir, born 7 February 1978 is an Indonesian scientist for complexity theory in Surya University and founder of the research institute for social complexity research, Bandung Fe Institute. He is known with wide spectrum of reseearch, from his works on the aspects of fractal geometry in Indonesian Batik, mathematical aspects of Indonesian traditional folk songs, mathematical aspects in the architecture of Borobudur, to the Indonesian stock market analysis with econophysics with Indonesian senior physicist, Yohanes Surya. Hokky Situngkir is also known as one of the initiators of the first Indonesian digital library for traditional culture website Perpustakaan Digital Budaya Indonesia with open participation from public For his works on batik and many other traditional cultures, he

Hokky Situngkir

Hokky Situngkir, born 7 February 1978 is an Indonesian scientist for complexity theory in Surya University and founder of the research institute for social complexity research, Bandung Fe Institute. He is known with wide spectrum of reseearch, from his works on the aspects of fractal geometry in Indonesian Batik, mathematical aspects of Indonesian traditional folk songs, mathematical aspects in the architecture of Borobudur, to the Indonesian stock market analysis with econophysics with Indonesian senior physicist, Yohanes Surya. Hokky Situngkir is also known as one of the initiators of the first Indonesian digital library for traditional culture website Perpustakaan Digital Budaya Indonesia with open participation from public For his works on batik and many other traditional cultures, he