Huis ter Nieuwburg

Huis ter Nieuwburg or Huis ter Nieuburch ("House at New Borough") was a palace in Rijswijk, Holland, Dutch Republic. The symmetrical French Classicist building was probably designed by the Dutch architect Jacob van Campen together with Constantin Huygens and the prince himself. According to Slothouwer the designs were carried out by Arent van's Gravesande who was replaced by the French architect Simon de la Vallée in 1634. (T.O Nordberg, "Les De la Vallee Vie d'une famille d'architectes en France, Hollande et Suede", Stockholm 1970, p. 85-87) The hunting castle was built between 1630 and 1636 for stadtholder Prince Frederick Henry.

Huis ter Nieuwburg

Huis ter Nieuwburg or Huis ter Nieuburch ("House at New Borough") was a palace in Rijswijk, Holland, Dutch Republic. The symmetrical French Classicist building was probably designed by the Dutch architect Jacob van Campen together with Constantin Huygens and the prince himself. According to Slothouwer the designs were carried out by Arent van's Gravesande who was replaced by the French architect Simon de la Vallée in 1634. (T.O Nordberg, "Les De la Vallee Vie d'une famille d'architectes en France, Hollande et Suede", Stockholm 1970, p. 85-87) The hunting castle was built between 1630 and 1636 for stadtholder Prince Frederick Henry.