Human Rights Party Malaysia

The Human Rights Party Malaysia is a Malaysian human rights-based political party founded on 19 July 2009, led by human rights activist P.Uthayakumar. Currently Uthayakumar is the Secretary General (pro tem) of HRP with the support of Uthayakumar's brother and Leader of HINDRAF P.Waythamoorthy. The main struggle of HRP is against all forms of racism and racial discrimination by the current ruling government in Malaysia, namely UMNO.

Human Rights Party Malaysia

The Human Rights Party Malaysia is a Malaysian human rights-based political party founded on 19 July 2009, led by human rights activist P.Uthayakumar. Currently Uthayakumar is the Secretary General (pro tem) of HRP with the support of Uthayakumar's brother and Leader of HINDRAF P.Waythamoorthy. The main struggle of HRP is against all forms of racism and racial discrimination by the current ruling government in Malaysia, namely UMNO.