Human Tissue Act 2004

The Human Tissue Act 2004 (c 30) was an act of the UK parliament applying to England, Northern Ireland and Wales. It consolidated previous legislation and created the Human Tissue Authority to "regulate the removal, storage, use and disposal of human bodies, organs and tissue." The Act prohibits selling organs. In 2007 a man became the first person convicted under the Act for trying to sell his kidney online for £24,000 in order to pay off his gambling debts. The Act does not extend to Scotland; its counterpart there is the Human Tissue (Scotland) Act 2006.

Human Tissue Act 2004

The Human Tissue Act 2004 (c 30) was an act of the UK parliament applying to England, Northern Ireland and Wales. It consolidated previous legislation and created the Human Tissue Authority to "regulate the removal, storage, use and disposal of human bodies, organs and tissue." The Act prohibits selling organs. In 2007 a man became the first person convicted under the Act for trying to sell his kidney online for £24,000 in order to pay off his gambling debts. The Act does not extend to Scotland; its counterpart there is the Human Tissue (Scotland) Act 2006.