Human rights in Ukraine

Human rights in Ukraine were better than those in most former Soviet republics as of 2009 and Ukraine was labeled as "Free" by organizations such as Freedom House. However, after Viktor Yanukovych became president of Ukraine in 2010, Freedom House labeled Ukraine "Partly Free" in 2011. Amnesty International also signalled a significant deterioration of the observance of human rights in Ukraine in 2011. According to Freedom House the human rights situation significantly improved in the aftermath of the Euromaidan revolution in 2014. The country received better ratings for political pluralism, parliamentary elections, and government transparency. As of 2015 the country is labelled "Partly Free". According to the OSCE, as of 2015 the elections in Ukraine generally respect democratic process,

Human rights in Ukraine

Human rights in Ukraine were better than those in most former Soviet republics as of 2009 and Ukraine was labeled as "Free" by organizations such as Freedom House. However, after Viktor Yanukovych became president of Ukraine in 2010, Freedom House labeled Ukraine "Partly Free" in 2011. Amnesty International also signalled a significant deterioration of the observance of human rights in Ukraine in 2011. According to Freedom House the human rights situation significantly improved in the aftermath of the Euromaidan revolution in 2014. The country received better ratings for political pluralism, parliamentary elections, and government transparency. As of 2015 the country is labelled "Partly Free". According to the OSCE, as of 2015 the elections in Ukraine generally respect democratic process,