Hymie's Basement

Hymie's Basement is an American indie rock duo. It consists of Yoni Wolf (aka Why?) and Andrew Broder of Fog. They released one album, Hymie's Basement, on Lex Records in 2003. Combining elements of rap, folk and indie rock, the duo created what has often been referred to as "a thinking man’s melodic hip hop record." Songs range from the happy pop like chorus of "21st Century Pop Song" and the minimal sadness of "Lightning Bolts and Man Hands."

Hymie's Basement

Hymie's Basement is an American indie rock duo. It consists of Yoni Wolf (aka Why?) and Andrew Broder of Fog. They released one album, Hymie's Basement, on Lex Records in 2003. Combining elements of rap, folk and indie rock, the duo created what has often been referred to as "a thinking man’s melodic hip hop record." Songs range from the happy pop like chorus of "21st Century Pop Song" and the minimal sadness of "Lightning Bolts and Man Hands."