
The Grace Movement (Hyper-dispensationalism, Mid-Acts Dispensationalism, ultra-dispensationalism, or more rarely, "Bullingerism" to which 'ultra-dispensationalism' properly applies) is a Protestant doctrine that basically views the teachings of the Apostle Paul both as unique from earlier apostles and as foundational for the church, a perspective sometimes characterized by proponents as the "Pauline Distinctive." A proponent of hyper-dispensationalism would be Charles F. Baker. Opponents of hyper-dispensationalism would be Traditional Dispensationalists like John Walvoord and Charles Ryrie.


The Grace Movement (Hyper-dispensationalism, Mid-Acts Dispensationalism, ultra-dispensationalism, or more rarely, "Bullingerism" to which 'ultra-dispensationalism' properly applies) is a Protestant doctrine that basically views the teachings of the Apostle Paul both as unique from earlier apostles and as foundational for the church, a perspective sometimes characterized by proponents as the "Pauline Distinctive." A proponent of hyper-dispensationalism would be Charles F. Baker. Opponents of hyper-dispensationalism would be Traditional Dispensationalists like John Walvoord and Charles Ryrie.