IC 5332

IC 5332 (also known as PGC 71775) is a Spiral Galaxy about 39 million light-years away in the constellation Sculptor. IC 5332 is a delicate spiral galaxy that is unusually faint and beautifully symmetrical. As viewed from earth it is nearly face on. It has a very small central bulge and open spiral arms accounting for its classification (Sc). The galaxy lies in the direction of the celestial south pole.

IC 5332

IC 5332 (also known as PGC 71775) is a Spiral Galaxy about 39 million light-years away in the constellation Sculptor. IC 5332 is a delicate spiral galaxy that is unusually faint and beautifully symmetrical. As viewed from earth it is nearly face on. It has a very small central bulge and open spiral arms accounting for its classification (Sc). The galaxy lies in the direction of the celestial south pole.