Ima nade

Ima nade (trans. There Is Hope) is the seventh studio album from Serbian and former Yugoslav rock band YU Grupa. The ballad "Dunavom šibaju vetrovi" is notable for being one of the two YU Grupa songs sung by the bass guitarist Žika Jelić (the other one being the ballad "Crni leptir" from the band's 1973 debut album). The refrain of "Dunavom šibaju vetrovi", however, is sung by the band's guitarist and vocalist Dragi Jelić.

Ima nade

Ima nade (trans. There Is Hope) is the seventh studio album from Serbian and former Yugoslav rock band YU Grupa. The ballad "Dunavom šibaju vetrovi" is notable for being one of the two YU Grupa songs sung by the bass guitarist Žika Jelić (the other one being the ballad "Crni leptir" from the band's 1973 debut album). The refrain of "Dunavom šibaju vetrovi", however, is sung by the band's guitarist and vocalist Dragi Jelić.