Immanuel Beit Yaakov controversy

The Immanuel Beit Yaakov controversy concerns the founding of a Hasidic girls' school in the town and settlement of Immanuel in September 2007. A Shas Sephardi girls' school, "Ohel Rachel VeLeah", was also founded in Immanuel in September 2007. Although the Hasidic school was founded and attended by members of both the Sephardi and Ashkenazi communities, with Rav Shimon Ba'adani as final Rabbinic authority, the Hasidic school was sued by Yoav Lallum, who does not reside in Immanuel, and his group "Noar KeHalacha", with assistance from the New Israel Fund and the "Tmura" and "Achoti" organizations; the allegation—that this was solely an ethnic split between Sephardim and Ashkenazim.

Immanuel Beit Yaakov controversy

The Immanuel Beit Yaakov controversy concerns the founding of a Hasidic girls' school in the town and settlement of Immanuel in September 2007. A Shas Sephardi girls' school, "Ohel Rachel VeLeah", was also founded in Immanuel in September 2007. Although the Hasidic school was founded and attended by members of both the Sephardi and Ashkenazi communities, with Rav Shimon Ba'adani as final Rabbinic authority, the Hasidic school was sued by Yoav Lallum, who does not reside in Immanuel, and his group "Noar KeHalacha", with assistance from the New Israel Fund and the "Tmura" and "Achoti" organizations; the allegation—that this was solely an ethnic split between Sephardim and Ashkenazim.