
InWEnt - Capacity Building International (Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH) was a German institution with worldwide operations in the field of bilateral development cooperation and international cooperation, with a focus on capacity building. In 2008, a staff of 797 was working out of 30 offices in Germany and abroad, with its headquarters in Bonn. According to its 2008 annual report, the annual budget was about 136 million Euros (in 2008).


InWEnt - Capacity Building International (Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH) was a German institution with worldwide operations in the field of bilateral development cooperation and international cooperation, with a focus on capacity building. In 2008, a staff of 797 was working out of 30 offices in Germany and abroad, with its headquarters in Bonn. According to its 2008 annual report, the annual budget was about 136 million Euros (in 2008).