In Zaltsikn Yam

In Zaltsikn Yam (In the Salty Sea, Yiddish: אין זאַלטציקן ים‎) also known as In Zaltsikn Yam Fun Di Mentshleche Trern (In the Salty Sea From Human Tears, Yiddish: אין זאַלטציקן ים פֿון מענשליכע טרערן‎), or Tsum Bund: In Zaltsikn Yam Fun Di Mentshleche Trern is a Yiddish poem written by S. Ansky in 1901, that became a popular Yiddish song when music was added to it. The poem and song is dedicated to the socialist, General Jewish Labour Bund.

In Zaltsikn Yam

In Zaltsikn Yam (In the Salty Sea, Yiddish: אין זאַלטציקן ים‎) also known as In Zaltsikn Yam Fun Di Mentshleche Trern (In the Salty Sea From Human Tears, Yiddish: אין זאַלטציקן ים פֿון מענשליכע טרערן‎), or Tsum Bund: In Zaltsikn Yam Fun Di Mentshleche Trern is a Yiddish poem written by S. Ansky in 1901, that became a popular Yiddish song when music was added to it. The poem and song is dedicated to the socialist, General Jewish Labour Bund.