
An inauguration is a formal ceremony or special event to mark either: * the beginning of a major public leader's term of office. * the opening or first public use of a new civic area, organisation or project. Such as a museum, hospital or film studio. The term, in a less formal context, can also be used to be refer: * to the beginning or introduction of a new system, policy, or period. * the first, maiden or initial use of something. For example, a ship, railway or even computer service of some kind.


An inauguration is a formal ceremony or special event to mark either: * the beginning of a major public leader's term of office. * the opening or first public use of a new civic area, organisation or project. Such as a museum, hospital or film studio. The term, in a less formal context, can also be used to be refer: * to the beginning or introduction of a new system, policy, or period. * the first, maiden or initial use of something. For example, a ship, railway or even computer service of some kind.