Information Design Association

The Information Design Association (IDA) was launched at a meeting chaired by Nick Ross at the Royal Society of Arts in London on 14 May 1991. in the belief that 'Good information design results in the clear and effective presentation of information. It combines skills in graphic design, writing, and human factors to make complex information easier to understand.' Writing at the end of the 1990s, Robert E. Horn summed up the IDA's international contribution in its first decade:

Information Design Association

The Information Design Association (IDA) was launched at a meeting chaired by Nick Ross at the Royal Society of Arts in London on 14 May 1991. in the belief that 'Good information design results in the clear and effective presentation of information. It combines skills in graphic design, writing, and human factors to make complex information easier to understand.' Writing at the end of the 1990s, Robert E. Horn summed up the IDA's international contribution in its first decade: